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Transformational Speaker
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Top Speakers for Conferences

Cancer is the BEST THING That Ever Happened to Me.

I spent almost 30 years climbing the corporate ladder and had unbelievable success. 


On the outside, I had it ALL. I was a high producer, making high 6 figures and I looked great.

On paper.

But, the truth was, I was a low wife, an absent mom, and a crappy friend who worked too much & numbed too much. I was your typical hypervigilant, people pleasing, high-achieving, anxiety ridden mess, who was burned out. Oh, I also had the occasional eye twitch.

Sound familiar?

Then, I got cancer. I didn't have "time" for cancer. It ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. 

My life changed from there. I learned how to prioritize my wellbeing. I discovered and started utilizing techniques to regulate my own nervous system. And then, I mastered them.

And, when I did...

I went from a high producer to THE HIGHEST producer. I went from 6 figures to 7. And I enjoyed every weekend, evening and vacation with my family, uninterrupted

Speaker for Women's Conference
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I noticed that many high-achievers took great pride in bragging about their ability to handle high stress. You know...push through those challenges.

"Working harder and longer hours was the key to success" is the mindset that many live by in the corporate world. Performance over people.

I used to believe that too.

After learning about nervous system regulation, I realized that managing stress, anxiety and personal wellbeing are not signs of weakness, but a critical skill for sustained success.

So, I quit my 7-figure job to bring awareness and to empower others to regulate to elevate every aspect of their lives. I want to change the narrative of what it takes to be successful and create corporate culture shifts.

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International Keynote Speaker

                                                                                           -JEN GUIDRY


Speaker for Hire
Transformational Speaker

"Jen has mastered the art of living the High-Level balanced life and uses her story of overcoming adversity while prioritizing her well-being and personal relationships to serve as a powerful reminder that true success encompasses more than just professional accolades."

                                      - Adriana 

Shift Your Corporate Culture
& Have Jen Talk at Your Event 

Regulate to Elevate Workshop: High-Level Performance and Personal Wellbeing are Complimentary, Not Conflicting: Fix the person, fix the company. Your employees bring themselves with them wherever they go. How are your employees showing up to work? Traditional motivation and accountability methods only touch on the surface by just asking things like, "How many sales calls did you make today?" or "What have you done to hit your goals?" While that might be great for accountability, if the person is having issues at home or if the rest of their life is in shambles, their work will suffer. Until this is fixed, people will not be able to operate at their best. Jen shows her audience simple ways to help themselves. If you are a leader who would like to improve your employees' productivity, strengthen decision-making skills, enhance team dynamics and reduce absenteeism and burnout, then this workshop is for you. We can work together to positively impact your employee's life while simultaneously helping make an impact on productivity and company culture.
Confessions of a High Producer: You don't have to choose between high success and high-level well-being. You can have both. Jen shares with the audience how it took her having cancer to figure it all out. Break the myth that you have to be available 24/7 to succeed.
How to Dominate as a Woman in a Male-Dominated Field: Jen shows women how to make their voice heard and how to use their innate superpowers to their advantage when working in a male-dominated field. 

Turning Trauma into Triumph: Don't let your past dictate your future. Jen shows the audience how to overcome their past to find their superpower.
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